TamTurbo IPO

TamTurbo IPO

Investing in Compressed air Business   /   May 16th, 2020   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
A break through for the High Speed technology !  TamTurbo IPO.   Announcement by Timo Pulkki in video.
After the announcement of the IPO, private investors are jumping in as first.  The IPO is sofar postponed

Oil-free Compressed Air becomes more and more the norm.  Although Oil-free Compressors are initially more expensive, the total cost of ownership is more competitive than classical Oil-flooded air compressors.  Different technologies such as High speed turbo, Industrial Piston Compressors, Water Injected Screws, High Efficiency Dry screws are being developed and commercialised. 

Using Oil-free Compressors creates less waste and helps the environment.

The biggest challenge is the education of users, technical directors, General managers who decide on the investments to be made.    They often only look at the CAPEX and not to the OPEX.

A nice challenge for the future !
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