44. What I didn't know !

44. What I didn't know !

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Apr 16th, 2019   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
For many decades, the believe was that Reciprocating compressors were not reliable.  For that reason, since the 70ies, the screw compressors have been replacing the Reciprocating compressors by the Twin screw compressors as a reliable Air-compressor.  Every application where the Twin screw compressor could be an alternative, the Reciprocating compressor usage was reduced and eliminated.

In high pressure applications, the piston compressor was still the best choice, as Twin screw compressors have limited efficiency due to the deteriorating volumetric efficiency.    Oil-flooded twin screw compressors  have a higher volumetric efficiency than a Dry screw.  Still when the pressure increases to levels above 13 bar, the voumetric efficiency becomes so low, that the reciprocating compressor is the best solution.

During the last 40 years, for the high pressure applications, the manufacturers of reciprocating compressors, have improved the design and using high quality materials, making the Reciprocating a reliable machine for high pressure applications.  Similar to your  car, the engine of your car in the seventies was not that reliable, efficient and low maintenance as the today modern piston engines.

Since environmental concerns and the search for Carbon footprint reduction, the Reciprocating compressors, built for 40 bars, are being re-introduced for standard Air 6-15 bar.  Since they are built for high pressure such as 40 bar, when they run at 7 bar, they last for ever, have the highest energy efficiency and the maintenance is much lower than Twin screw compressors.  Are they more expensive to build, of course.  But the savings on energy outperform the cost !

Me too I was convinced that the Recip was not having a future, but the contrary is true !  It helps reducing your carbon-footprint !
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