24. The revival of the Reciprocating compressor ?

24. The revival of the Reciprocating compressor ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

The Reciprocating compressor or the Piston compressor, is one of the simplest and oldest way of compressing air. 

Before 1960, the piston compressor was the standard. They were used for all size, from small air compressors to large sizes, from low pressure to high pressure.

 The reliability and the maintenance intervals of the piston compressors were not top and were often generating interruptions of the activities in the manufacturing process.

 Since the introduction of the Screw compressor and the introduction of the Turbo compressor in smaller sizes, these technologies have gradually replaced the piston compressor.

 The Piston compressors however, remained the standard in many applications such as high pressure >13bar and small size compressors (<22kW). 

 The reason why these applications exist, is because the energy consumption for a Piston compressor is always lower than a Screw compressor.

 Over the past 50 yrs, the Piston compressor has been further developed with the lastest materials, development techniques to bring them to a superior quality level, similar as the car engines in the automotive industry.

 As climate change happens and the energy consumption of compressed air comes into focus, the Piston compressors is gaining territory in the standard air again and for good reasons.

 The slow running reciprocating compressors have a superior Energy EfficiencyLower maintenance and very Long Lifetime.

 Would you not choose a compressor with a better Energy efficiency ?

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