26. The uncontrolled air-pollution by Oil-flooded compressors ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

The majority of air-compressors are Oil-flooded/lubricated compressors.  An Oil-flooded compressor will inject oil into the compression chamber to lubricate, cool and seal the compression chamber.  After compression, the oil has to be seperated from the air through vortex and oil filters.   After the compressor, the compressed air is contaminated with oil by the carry-over.

 The oil carry-over can vary depending on ambient temperatures and rise exponential with the environmental temperature.

For Rotational compressors, with the injection of oil, the compressor lifetime and efficiency becomes better but the air quality becomes worse !

Theoretically, 2ppm is specified as oil-carry over, but in most cases this target can never be achieved.  The oil-carry over can easily increase to 10ppm.

The contaminated air is then been used on various places and the disposed oil will end up in the environment.  The oil is deposited on different locations and cannot been isolated anymore for proper waste collection for re-use.

When we take the install base of Oil-injected air-compressors, they contaminate the environment in an uncontrolled way with an equivalent as one OIL-TANKER of general purpose every year 60 000 DWT !

This calculation has been done in a very safe and prudent way.  Reality can easily be a multiple of oiltankers !

Would you not consider an Oil-free compressor which consumes less energy, less waste and less uncontrolled contamination of our environment ?

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