32 Can we fight climate change with Air-compressors ?

32 Can we fight climate change with Air-compressors ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

The Summer of 2018 is breaking all records and climate experts claim there predictions of the 1970ies become the truth. The statements on the second half 21st century are the most frigthening ever made.  Heat waves up 55deg C in central Europe with heavy fires as consequences.  Extreme weather conditions like huricanes, floodings and hail can be imagined at those temperature fluctuations.

The target of the Climate Agreement in Paris will for sure not be met and increase of the global temperature of 2-3 deg C will take place.

Can Air Compressors help ?

 Yes, with 10% of the world-wide energy consumed by the Air Compressor business or 5% of all energy in the world, a lot can be done. Reducing the energy consumption of the air-compressors by 10% has a world impact of 1% !  And 10% reduction is an easy target !

 Most systems can be improved with 15-30% !Oi

  • Select the right type of air-compressor @ full load conditions
  • Select the right compressor @ partial load conditions
  • Install a proper compressor room control system

How would you fight the climate change with your compressed air installation ?

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