35. Time to measure !

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

WYSIWYG was hot when the first home-computers came out. What You See Is What You Get ! This is already a couple of decades ago while the millenium-generation takes it for granted.

In compressed air business, WYSIWIDG is the standard.  What You See Is What You Don't Get !

The marketing which is done on Air-compressors looks very promising, with nice stories, technology, variable speed drives,…  Over the years, promises of saving 30% with new generations of air-compressors and new technology introductions, have led to what ?

It is standard in the compressed air-business to be very optimistic on performances and to make everything very complicated.  Discussion on the real performance vs indicated performance with the manufacturers becomes impossible, as you are probably not as knowledgeable on compressors as  manufacturers do.

The best way is to measure your Flow and Power with your own measurement system.  Good measurement equipment is available and simple calibration eliminates the remark of the manufacturer that your measurement equipment is wrong.

Realise that your air-compressor controller is showing a calculated theoretical flow, not measured.

By measuring the flow and power you will discover :

  1. What is the real flow and power
  2. How will the capacity deteriote in function of usage/time
  3. What is the efficiency at partial load

Do you rely on the manufacturer capacity indications ?

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