43 The daily reality

43 The daily reality

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Mar 20th, 2019   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
Another witness of real performances on Compressed Air installations.

This case was the use of a 250kW VSD Oil-free screw compressor.  The measured consumption over 24 hrs in multiple days was between 170 and 230 Wh/Nm3.  The predicted performance was 120Wh/Nm3.  Knowing that the best performances are around 90-110Wh/NM3, depending on the load of the installation, a real performance reaching 230 Wh/Nm3 or 13,8kW/m3/min is very bad for the environment and the cost for the company electricity bill.

It is not needed.  Just do the right choice of compressor and the reduced energy returns the investment in less than 2 yrs.  It is a win-win for the company and the environment at the same time.

Why are we closing our eyes ?  Should we feel more responsible for our environment ?

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