29. The 10 questions to ask before selecting the compressor to buy !

29. The 10 questions to ask before selecting the compressor to buy !

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

The Energy consumption for the production of Compressed Air is responsible for 5% of the World-wide energy consumption including Industrial and Household together.  As responsible citizen of this beautiful and unique planet, you should ask yourself 10 questions :

  1. How important is the environment for you and your loveables ?
  2. Do I want to contribute to saving the planet ?
  3. Do I take into consideration real energy reduction ?
  4. Do I take into consideration waste reduction?
  5. Am I knowledgeable on Compressed Air ?
  6. Do I all believe what is being claimed by manufacturers ?
  7. Should I involve an independent energy consultant ?
  8. Is the brand of supplier more important than the right solution ?
  9. Do I consider the long term behaviour of the compressed air installation, lifetime and disposal ?
  10. Do I consider TCO on 5 yrs, 10yrs, 20yrs

What would you answer be ?

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