15 .Why test of oil carry over are always done in wintertime !

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

Technical Oil-free compressed air is defined by the use of an Oil-lubricated air compressor, with an Oil carry over of 2ppm which is than followed by a series of filtration units in order to obtain Class 1 according to ISO8573.

 Although 2ppm is already a low amount of oil, it is still unacceptable in a number of applications ! However, nobody likes to drink beer with an oil taste or having breathing air in a hospital with a smell !

 Therefor, a series of filtration units is being added to take out the last amounts of oil vapour, aerosol and dust to obtain a class 1 quality level.

 The 2 ppm level coming out of an Oil-lubricated compressor is the key ! 

 These tests are done in wintertime when ambient temperature a low. 

 Why ?Because the oil carry over is increasing exponentially with the temperature !


Therefor the oil-carry over at 40 deg will be 8 times higher ! The load on the filtration systems is increasing substantially resulting in higher cost of filtration and the risk of faillure of the filtration system.

 The worst what can happen is that the whole compressed air piping systems get contaminated with oil !

Would you take the risk ?

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