38. Does a Green Air Compressor exist ?

38. Does a Green Air Compressor exist ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 26th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
Does a Green Air compressor exist ?  

First question is of course, what is the definition of a Green Air Compressor ?

It should be :

- the most energy efficient, in full load and in part-load
- the lowest waste produced
- limited maintenance
- stable in all environmental conditions
- last for ever

The most energy efficient in full load and in part-load ?
The specific energy consumption in full load and in part-load should remain under 6kW/m3/min. Very few air-compressors operate under the 6 kW !  The only who can reach are Oil-flooded screw compressor, Centrifugal Air-compressor and Industrial Reciprocating compressors.
In partial load, the specific energy consumption should also remain under 6 kW !  The only who can remain very efficient in partial load, are the Oil-flooded screw compressor with variable speed drive and the Industrial Reciprocating compressor.

The lowest waste produced ?  
To achieve low waste, the compressor needs to be an oil-free compressor.  This can be achieved with a centrifugal, Oil-free screw or Oil-free Industrial piston compressor.  Oil-flooded air compressors do produce a lot of waste : Oil disposal, contaminated condensate, Oil-separator cartridge, oil-filters, air, rebearing after 20000 hrs, disposal after 10 yrs of the complete compressor.

Limited maintenance ?
Oil-free compressors have the lowest maintenance potential.  Centrifugals and Oil-free screw compressors have the disadvantage to have a major overhaul after 4-5 yrs.

Stable in all environmental conditions ?
Oil-free Screw and Oil-free Piston compressors are the most stable for the changing climate conditions.  Centrifugals are very depending on the ambient temperature and the relative humidity.  Efficiency and flow deteriorate as soon the ambient temperature and humidity is increasing.  Oil-flooded screw compressors are very sensitive on the Oil-carry over and is increase exponential with the ambient temperature.  

Last for-ever ?
Most air-compressors are designed for 10-15 yrs, depending on their usage.  Only industrial piston compressors can last for-ever whilst doing normal maintenance.

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