Good marketing is convincing you that something is better than others. This is common practice throughout industry ! So have we been told that drinking cow milk and eating white bread is healthy. While in the meantime, everybody starts to realise that the opposite is true. More and more it becomes clear that the marketing in the food industry is guilty on misleading you on the effects of food on your health.
What happens in the Compressed Air Industry ?. Marketing statements on, our new compressor save 30 % on your energy consumption ? Haha ! That must be the new Perpetium mobile ? How can the saving be so big ? Was the previous generation that bad ?
Indeed, the saving is always against a reference. The reference can be anything, the worst compressor ever and not versus best practice.
The trick in marketing is storytelling. Lets make a story so people can remind and will believe. If you do that repetitively, than it will become evident that it is true.
The Compressed Air Industry is full of these statements.
The only value which you should be looking at is your own measurement of Flow and Power of your compressed air installation. Yes, you read very well ! Your own measurement. Today it is not that difficult and expensive anymore.
When you will measure, you will be shocked or surprised. Your consumption will be higher than what you expect.
The next what will happen is, your supplier will tell you that your measurement is wrong !
Yes you can be a couple of % off due to calibration or applying tolerances. But your measurement will not be 15% or higher off !
Get the help by independent energy experts to help you make the evaluation !
What will happen. You will measure your flow and power and calculate the Specific Energy consumption. A good specific energy consumption should remain below 7kW/m3/min @7 bar at full and partial load. At full load, the better performances are around 5,5-6kW/m3/min.
Have you already verified your installation ?

40. Are you saving 30% on your Oil-free Compressed Air installation ?
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