42 Can an Oil-free installation be more cost effective than an Oil-lub installation ?

42 Can an Oil-free installation be more cost effective than an Oil-lub installation ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Jan 15th, 2019   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
The only reason why Oil-lubricated compressors exist, is the initial cost of an Oil-lubricated compressor is cheaper.  Yes I use the word cheaper and not lower cost !  Many users, when they need to select a new compressor, they are shocked about the high purchase price and the difference between an Oil-lubricated and Oil-free screw compressor.

Yesterday, I visited a brand new installation, 760kW for large steel welding company.  The air is used for welding and painting of large steel constructions.

The company made an indept analysis of the cost of compressed air and concluded that the Oil-free installation, based on the total cost during 5 years was lower than investing in an Oil-flooded compressed air system.  On average, the total cost of owner ship is composed out of 11% initial investment, 9% maintenance cost and 80% is electricity cost.

With the selection of a high efficiency and low maintenance Oil-free compressor, the equation is in favour of the Oil-free Air compressor system.

Great installation !
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