8. Why is there no regulation on  Oil-free Compressor performances ?

8. Why is there no regulation on Oil-free Compressor performances ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

About 10% of the energy used by the industry is consumed by the compressed air.  Depending on the size and the application, it can be an Oil-free compressor or an oil-flooded compressor.

The larger size of air-compressors are all Oil-free compressors while the differences in energy efficiency between different compression types are so diverse, there is till today no regulation on minimum performances . 

 For Oil-flooded air-compressors, regulation in China with the CEL (China Energy Label) and the European Union Ener Lot 31 are the first attemps to limit the minimum effiency of the Air compressors of Oil-flooded compressors.

 From 2018, the Oil lubricated compressors have to comply with a minimum efficiency to be allowed to be sold on the EU market. The second more stringent level is valid from 2020.

 This regulation follows the Chinese CEL following the Guo Biao 19153-2009 standard or Chinese Energy label, introduced as first energy label in the world for Non-dry Air compressors in June 2012.

 The study for the European Union was prepared by an independent consultant, with the input of the compressor manufacturers. The outcome is a minimum level of energy efficiency, the compressors have to comply with.

 Of course, 80% of all the compressors comply with this minimum level, and therefor, miss the goal to distinguish the efficient compressors from the less efficient compressors. The regulation only eliminates the really bad ones (which is of course obvious).

 Above the minimum efficiency of the Oil flooded compressors, a diverse range of different efficiencies can be found. 

 On top, the usage of the compressor installation is far more important than only the minimum efficiency ! While 5% difference between a very efficient screw compressor versus a less efficient screw compressor can be found, due to poor dimensioning of the full installation, up to 30-50% of energy can be wasted.

 Looking forward on the implementation of the Oil-free compressor energy efficiency limits.

Were you aware of the Lot31 regulations ?

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