6. Why are you still using a track pump to inflate your tire ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

Everybody knows how to inflate the tire of his bike ! Whether you have a simple tourist bike, mountain bike or road bike, all tires have to be inflated to have an efficient ride and to minimize the rolling resistance !

 The pressure depends on the type of bike you ride ! Pressure up to 1(12,5)-10(150) bar(psi) is needed depending on the type, width of the tyre and your body weight. 

 How do you inflate your tire ?

 With a simple manual track pump ! That Track pump is simple, reliable and efficient ! A linear movement pushes the air into a smaller volume until the pressure is achieved ! 

This type of compressor is known as a reciprocating compressor and is one of the oldest and most efficient type of compressor.

The piston compressor today is used in many various applications and in the thoughest environments, where traditional rotational compressors cannot be used anymore. From small piston on tank to large megawatt installations for the most aggressive gasses.

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