3. Who will choose the new compressor type and why ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

When selecting an Oil-free compressor, the time horizon of the installation is very often near future. The majority of companies buying an Oil-free compressed air installation are large multi-nationals. The management of those large companies have a job rotation of management of every 3-5 yrs. After 3-5 yrs, a new manager, president or CEO is being appointed.

 When a new investment is needed for the compressed air installation, most of the time, the decision maker is not interested in what will happen with the compressed air installation after 5 yrs. That is beyond his presence and so he will not make any additional investments where the benefits are coming after 5 yrs.

The next CEO or General Manager will at his turn, have the same process. 

Private owned companies have a different mindset. When selecting an investment, they will look for the long-term horizon. They will investigate, what will happen with the installation after 5 yrs. Will an expensive refurbishment be needed like with an Oil-free screw compressor after 40000 hrs or 5 yrs, or can a normal maintenance guarantee the same performance as a new machine during the whole lifetime ?

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