9- Remaining waste heat should be reused when economically viable

Climate Change and Compressed Air   /   Feb 13th, 2019   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
9- Remaining waste heat should be reused when economically viable

Referring to belief 8, the remaining waste heat, is energy which can be recovered.  Compressing air, brings the air in another state (different pressure), but as such does not contain energy.  All the energy is in the form of heat released, 100%.  

That heat, can be used for different applications by recovering the in the form of hot water or gas.
The most easiest form to do is recovering heat by warming up water.  This water can be used for hot showers, heating of buildings, etc..  In some factories, gas or other fossil fuels are being burned to heat or preheat liquids or gasses.  Heat recovery of the air-compressor waste heat can be used to reduce the usage of fossil fuels).

Every compressor installation or user, has waste heat.  10% of the electricity of the industry is used for Compression of Air and is 100% converted into heat !

The recovery of heat  of compression is an investment for the user.  Often, this is an investment which is quite expensive due to the integration into and modification of existing installations.  Goverments could subsidize these investments, which reduces the carbon footprint and generates employment.


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