Forget the conference in Madrid on Climate COP25 !

Forget the conference in Madrid on Climate COP25 !

Climate Change and Compressed Air   /   Dec 15th, 2019   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
While the whole world is waiting for the outcome of the conference in Madrid on the ambition to reduce Carbon emissions, WE can act much faster and will have a global impact !  A personal behavioural change will take immediate effect, while no policy maker, lobbyist can do anything about.

Lets just change our OWN habits !

The emissions of gasses are all a consequence of our own behaviour !  What ever we do (eat, move,dress up,...)  somewhere in the world, production needs to take place, which requires energy and produces directly or indirectly CO2 gasses.  

By just changing our HABITS from today, we can make a better world and clean world !

If we all reduce our daily consumption, buying habits, transportation habits,... by 20%, the world production of CO2 will reduce very fast !  

The economic world model does not allow to reduce economic growth and the result is that the outcome of conference such as the Tokyo, Paris and now Madrid conferences have little or no effect.  The carbon emissions still increase instead of decline !

Instead of demonstrating, which also consumes Energy (transportation, damage buildings, police interventions,....), for the climate, we should change our OWN habits.

Lets look at a simple example :

Take a shower :  the amount of water needed for the shower comes from a waste water treatment plant.  Energy is required to aerate the water.  By using less water (shorter duration of  showering, reduce the frequency of showering) the amount of water that needs to be treated becomes less !  

Eat organic food :  Organic, to my definition, does not use fertilizers nor pesticides !  Difficult to find, but many people have a garden growing their own vegetables !  Don't use Chemical fertilizers nor pesticides.  Consuming less chemicals, means that less needs to be produced !  That will result in less production volume and so less energy !

Buy LOCAL  produced goods.  Yes it will be more expensive, but requires less transportation!  No big ships need to transport bananas from Latin America to Europe if we eat a local grown Apple.  As simple as that !

We can find hundreds of behavioural changes which will reduce substantial of own carbon footprint.

I don't want to be pessimistic, but the result of conferences on Climate change, will NOT be the solution to the catastrophy the world and the next generations might face.
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