The ISO 8573-1 specifies the purity of the compressed air. Purity of the compressed air is important for the processes used in a number of industry segments like Pharmaceutical industry, Food and Beverage,… The ISO Class specifies the amount of oil (vapour and aerosols), water content or dewpoint and particles which...
2. Class Zero and Oil-free compression
Oil-free Compressed Air Guide /
Nov 24th, 2018

1. Oil-free Compressed Air and Carbon Footprint
Oil-free Compressed Air Guide /
Nov 24th, 2018
So many experts write about the subject Carbon Footprint and how they will bring energy savings to your compressed air installations. They will do an audit in your production site and measure the real air demand. Then, they will promote their products and convince you that the saving will be over 10-20-30%. However,...