WYSIWYG was hot when the first home-computers came out. What You See Is What You Get ! This is already a couple of decades ago while the millenium-generation takes it for granted. In compressed air business, WYSIWIDG is the standard. What You See Is What You Don't Get ! The marketing which is...
34. A beautiful marriage ?
Factory managers, for air-compressors in their factories, they either are pro-centrifugal or they are pro-Oil-free screw type. Each have their opinions. The centrifugal-pro will argument, the Screw is not reliable and requires to much maintenance. And the Centrifugal is more energy efficient ! The Oil-free screw pro will argument, the...
33. Why do you need to replace your compressor after 10 yrs ?
Today I bought my 7th Fitbit watch. Although I love the functionality of the device, I am so frustrated about the lifetime and quality. The price of the watch is not too expensive, but replacing it every 18 months on average, it becomes a golden watch ! In today's consumer goods, white...

32 Can we fight climate change with Air-compressors ?
The Summer of 2018 is breaking all records and climate experts claim there predictions of the 1970ies become the truth. The statements on the second half 21st century are the most frigthening ever made. Heat waves up 55deg C in central Europe with heavy fires as consequences. Extreme weather conditions like huricanes, floodings...

31. Why partial load of air-compressors matters !
The comparison of different air-compressors is done on basis of full load air consumption. This is of course an important start to compare different compressor types and brands. Unfortunately, most compressors are running a lot of time in partial load. Therefore, having a look at partial load is as or even more important. In...

30. A technology shift ?
During my latest trip in Asia, I came across so many frustrations on the short lifetime and high cost related to the screw compressors. The high ambient temperatures and high humidity results in short lifetime of the screw blocs. Customers having multiple small screw compressors 55kW which are running often in partial...

29. The 10 questions to ask before selecting the compressor to buy !
The Energy consumption for the production of Compressed Air is responsible for 5% of the World-wide energy consumption including Industrial and Household together. As responsible citizen of this beautiful and unique planet, you should ask yourself 10 questions : How important is the environment for you and your loveables ? Do...

28 Why you absolutely need to choose a VSD !
The topic of the Variable speed drive is an interesting topic as so much publicity is being made. Energy saving is the slogan. Yes, when selecting an Oil-flooded air-compressor, you should in most cases select a VSD ! Why ? Because the power absorbed at unload can reach very high levels...

27. Does a VSD air-compressor saves energy ?
The common marketing statements by the Air-compressor manufacturers is that to save Energy, consumed by the compressed air installation, is to install a VSD air-compressor ! What is not said that : A centrifugal compressor is designed for fixed speed and not suited for VSD. Exception for high speed turbos as they...
26. The uncontrolled air-pollution by Oil-flooded compressors ?
The majority of air-compressors are Oil-flooded/lubricated compressors. An Oil-flooded compressor will inject oil into the compression chamber to lubricate, cool and seal the compression chamber. After compression, the oil has to be seperated from the air through vortex and oil filters. After the compressor, the compressed air is contaminated with oil by the...