Looking for a candidate or a job in the Compressed Air industry ?

Looking for a candidate or a job in the Compressed Air industry ?

Compressed Air : Recruitment   /   Sep 16th, 2019   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
The Compressor Industry is a world-wide business representing 12BUSD yearly turnover !

It is mostly unknown amongst the population what the Compressed Air Industry is.  The skills required are a bit different than in other industries.  

Compressed Air is a commodity like electricity, gas and water and is present in all industries.  Every factory has somewhere a Compressor or a complete Compressed Air installation.  Like all commodities, if the supply stops, the factory stops producing.

Therefor, the reiability of a Compressor or Compressed Air installation is crucial. 

The same is valid for the people active in the Compressed Air Industry.  Knowledge and Experience are crucial for Compressor manufacturers and users of Compressed Air.  

The Compressed Air knowledge, cannot be educated in a University or college.  The experience you build up over the years, is very  valuable.   Many experienced Compressed Air individuals prefer to continue their carreer in the Compressed Air Industry ! Recruiters are continuous looking for experienced candidates  and due to the higher turn-over of employees, they often contact me.

Personally, I entered the Compressed Air industry by coincidence, without knowing I would my whole life be connected to the Compressed Air technology.  If the event, where I got a temporary job offered, did not happen, I would never have discovered the wonderfull exciting world of Compressed Air technology.

If you are looking for a candidate or a job in the Compressed air industry,whatever the discipline,  feel free to contact me !  May be I can connect you to ...

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