22. Are the Energy Consultants in Compressed Air useless ?

22. Are the Energy Consultants in Compressed Air useless ?

Oil-free Compressed Air Guide   /   Nov 24th, 2018   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-

During my recent interactions with customers and Energy consultants globally, my observations have been shocking.

The reality is that the industry outsources more and more non-core related activities.  The internal technical departments of companies have been squeezed to the minimum and the suppliers of equipment need to make offers to the sourcing department.

The sourcing departments are focussed on the initial investment cost while their understanding of a complete compressed air system is often very low.

Compressed Air installations in a factory are quite complex systems because the supply and demand vary so much and each technology Screw-, Recip- and Centrifugal- air compressors have their own limitations. Although at full load, the whole system is the best, at real usage it can become a disaster.

Although various compressor manufacturers are convincing the purchasers on the energy savings they can do, often the whole compressed air installation is wasting so much energy.  The energy levels of the compressor room often reach multiples of 100kW or MW, of which more than 30% is wasted ! The levels of waste energy are so high that :

The reality is shocking ! Mother nature will punish.

Here comes the added value of good Compressed Air energy consultants ! They will look at the total system, even beyond the Compressed Air installation and making an objective judgement what should be done. Their motive is not to sell a compressor but to lower your energy during usage.

In many cases, shutting down a compressor, can save more energy than adding one more !

Would you verify your installation with a local expert in your country ?

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